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White Hat Vs Black Hat SEO

White Hat Vs Black Hat SEO

In the world of Search Engine Optimization, there is a major difference between Black Hat SEO and White Hat SEO. Black Hat SEO is what many people would call “pay per click” or PPC SEO. It is this form of SEO that results in the most hits for an advertiser. The reason for this being, is that with “pay per click”, an advertiser is only charged for each hit that they perform, whereas with White Hat SEO, an advertiser is only charged for each action that they perform. Therefore, it only makes sense that White Hat SEO would be the preferred choice when it comes to boosting a website’s search engine rankings.

Difference between Black Hat SEO and White Hat SEO

The first difference between these two forms of SEO is the method of getting traffic to a website. Black Hat SEO is generally considered outdated and not highly recommended due to the fact that it tends to put a lot of stress on one’s site. This can lead to a loss of overall traffic as well as putting a lot of stress on one’s servers. White Hat SEO tends to be a more relaxed form of search engine optimization and it is more geared towards getting a client site to the top of the “SERPs” or Search Engines Result Pages.

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White Hat SEO

So, what exactly is White Hat SEO? Well, according to Wikipedia: “In online marketing, “white hat” (sometimes spelled as “wilk hat”) SEO focuses on quality-based link building rather than advertising. An SEO expert may include content in a website, for example, but may also include links to related sites, an email newsletter, or a blog. Link building techniques use one or more techniques, such as directory submission, site submission, article submission, and social networking techniques, to gain high quality inbound links.”

Social networking techniques

Now, depending on what type of business you are running, this may not be beneficial to you. Black Hat SEO is often very effective. This is because Black Hat SEOs actually try to trick search engines into thinking that their website is legitimate. If this happens, the search engines will then assign Black Hat SEO’s a better ranking due to them being more natural and less spammy. However, Black Hat SEOs can cause severe damage to a website’s ranking.

Uses of White Hat SEO

White Hat SEO tends to use more natural techniques and less manipulation by search engines. This means that Black Hat SEOs can actually hurt a website’s rankings, though, and White Hat SEOs can help increase a website’s ranking. White Hat SEO techniques, therefore, are often viewed as more effective.

Black Hat SEO

Black Hat SEO is also known as spamming. This type of SEO focuses on using many different methods to increase the number of links pointing to a website. However, Black Hat SEO is considered by many to be unethical and it has been illegal in some countries to use these methods. For instance, the UK has a law that says that any site using many different methods to gain popularity is illegal and must be removed from the Internet.

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Uses of Black Hat SEO

Many website owners associate the use of Black Hat SEO with money, however it does not have to be. It is true that Black Hat SEO will cost a website more money if they wish to hire someone to do it for them, but it may not necessarily cost more to do it the right way. With Black Hat SEO, a company will only pay when results are seen, so they do not need to spend money on each link, which leads to their website. In fact, they only pay when a visitor to their website lands on a page of a website that contains their link. Therefore, they do not need to spend money to make their site popular, they just need to spend a little bit of time and effort in order to get it there.

Building links

White Hat SEO, on the other hand, focuses on building links naturally and paying less attention to how much they spend. This is the best method for many different reasons. Firstly, it is 100% natural, which means that there are no tricks or hidden agendas which a Black Hat SEO may try to use. Secondly, White Hat SEO focuses more on the content of a website than what its ranking is. Finally, it is beneficial for the search engines as well as the customer as it prevents rankings from being artificially raised which could result in a website getting a lower ranking than it should.

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