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How to upload photos to Instagram from a computer

How to upload photos to Instagram from a computer. Social networks have been one of the most popular communication resources among companies for some years. Planning for the publication of content on social networks can be quite an odyssey. The best way to plan and publish on the different platforms is through our computers. But, when can we not do it on social networks, such as Instagram?

In the next blog we will explain how to upload photos and publications to Instagram from your computers.

What are social networks or Social Media?

We all know what social networks are like and we understand more or less how they work. These are known as the structures formed by different individuals, groups or organizations that are related to each other. Additionally, these individuals then form communities on digital platforms. 

Some of the best known social networks are Facebook, Twitter or Linkedin, among others, they offer services that allow you to form groups, share information, images or videos according to the interests of users.

Each of the social networks has particular objectives and functions. When implementing content for social networks, we must adapt these materials to each platform, according to their dimensions and the formats they use. This will allow you to connect with new users who have the same interests and tastes.

It is important that you understand how each of the social networks works and the motivations of its users. Social networks such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter have different users who then make communities with each other. However, networks like LinkedIn aim to bring together professional people who want to connect with each other. Once we understand what the motivation of each platform is to create content for each audience.

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What do you need to upload photos to Instagram from your PC?

Although uploading photos to Instagram from a PC we must bear in mind that it is a bit slow process if you have never tried it. It may be much more complicated if you do not have enough space or the necessary resources at the moment it may be much more uphill, but it is never too late to try.

To create social media posts it is important to remember that it is essential that you edit the photos in square format (a 1: 1 ratio). In addition, we must have a description or copy ready for the description of your publication

If, on the other hand, you want to upload a video, you should also know the specific characteristics so that the publication looks its best. Videos must be in mp4 format, less than one minute long and weighing less than 30 MB in the feed. For Instagram it is important, if you want to publish an IGTV, that it lasts a maximum of 60 minutes and 3.6 GB in terms of weight.

What are the advantages of social networks?

Social networks have advantages for both users and brands . Here we can grow in contacts or in interaction, in addition to having a great potential for a presence on the internet. Businesses use these social networks as a promotion and advertising strategy. Here we present a list of some benefits that we can present when using social networks.

1. Direct and instant communication 

People are social beings and therefore we have the need to relate to each other.

These platforms offer an opportunity for users to share special moments and get in touch with friends, acquaintances or with people who share the same interests, even if we do not know each other.

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Anywhere in the world and regardless of language, social networks bring people together.

2. New job opportunities

In the area of ​​people, social networks are a great place to make yourself known and to be your cover letter for future job positions. This for many brands, is a good place for this to be our digital resume and a little more informal. Businesses can see a new side of us.

On the contrary, for companies social media is a great place to recruit new candidates for their jobs.

One of the best platforms for this is LinkedIn, where professionals meet to connect with new people.

Some companies use the profiles of people in these networks as a form of analysis to know if they can fit well in the jobs or not.

3. News and entertainment information

Social networks are an excellent place to find important and entertaining information in real time, as well as being personalized.

On platforms like these we can choose who are the people we follow, the content we see and the media that interest us to keep us informed about everything that happens in the world.

4. Sharing is the main thing

An important part of social media is that we can share content with people we know.

We can share the spoiled ones in our stories or with our contacts directly.

This is a great strategy to increase the positioning of our brand or our personal account.

How to upload photos to Instagram from a computer

1. Log in to Instagram

After opening a window in your browser, go to Instagram and log in to the site. You need to log in to Instagram to start uploading your photos and each of your content

2. Access the developer options

You must right-click anywhere on the page and select “Inspect” to open the browser’s developer options. Another option is that you can do this, you can try it in a simpler way by pressing. Command + Alt + I, if you are using a Windows computer Ctrl + Shift + I.

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3. Enter the mobile view of the site

It is very simple for you to modify the mobile version of Instagram from your computer.

You just have to click on the symbol with two blue squares to the left of the Toggle Device Toolbar options bar (another way is by hitting Ctrl + Shift + M on the keyboard for PC).

Once you do these steps, you will have the mobile view options.

4. Press F5 to get the plus button 

Once you have the mobile version, the next step is to hit F5 (command to update) on your PC so that the plus sign appears. This is the button that will allow you to upload photos from your computer. 

5. Select the image, or the carousel, that you want to publish

From here we can publish the photograph without the need to enter the application on the phone. Then you can click on the plus symbol (+) the section of your computer with the files is available for you to jump in and use the photo you want. Now you can start your work as a community manager or simply manage your personal account in a simpler way.

And how can we upload Stories too?

How to upload photos to Instagram. This is one of the most important functions if you want to manage your social networks or your accounts from your computers. The Stories are an important factor for the growth of a brand and the interaction rate for any company. That is why it is very important that our companies, personal or professional, plan our content and then publish it in a much more organized way

These Stories are the favorite materials of the audience because they show what happens behind the scenes of your day to day and your publications in the feed. You can also do this publication of stories through the computer. Here we explain how to do it in just a few steps.

Step 1. The first thing is to access the Google Chrome browser.

Step 2. The next thing we have to do is log in with your Instagram account on your computer.

Step 3. Once inside your account, press the F12 key so that the browser shows the mobile version. You will see that the width of the screen is reduced and the cursor turns into a circle. From here you can manage your account much easier.

Step 4 . Press F5 and you can now use IG as if you were driving it from your mobile. Go to the stories camera and choose your photo in the browser . You can edit your photo and have your content come out in an easier way to be published.

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