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5 Techniques to Optimize Your Blog Posts For SEO

5 Techniques to Optimize Your Blog Posts For SEO

If you are looking for a few good tips that will help you optimize your blog posts for SEO, then this article was written for you. Specifically, we’re going to talk about how you can use the title of your posts to optimize them for SEO, how you can include keywords in your post and even how you can add images to optimize your blog posts for SEO. By reading this article, you should be able to understand these concepts and start using them to optimize your own blog posts for SEO.

The first tip that we’re going to talk about is the use of the title of your blog post to optimize it for SEO. What you want to do is write a blog post with the title optimized for a keyword phrase that is relative to your website. For example, if your website is about running, you could optimize your post for the keyword phrase “running gear” or something similar. By writing a post with the title optimized for this phrase, you can give search engines a clue that your website is about running and thus it will be much easier to rank high in the search engine results.

The second technique that we’re going to discuss in this article is the use of the article’s body to optimize it for SEO. The way that you do this is by including keywords in your post and then creating a resource box at the end of the article. In the resource box, you can insert a couple links back to your site. You then need to include your keyword phrase inside the link so that it’s optimized for that phrase.

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The third technique that we’re going to talk about is the use of images in your blog posts. Again, in order for this to be effective, you’ll need to optimize your article for the keyword phrase that you are targeting. When you are creating your article, include your keyword phrase in your title, in the opening tag of your post and within the body of the article. In order for the keywords to really work for you, include your main keyword phrase once in each paragraph of the article as well as one time in the tag. This will help to give search engines a better idea of what your website is about and will improve your chances of ranking high in the search engine results.

Another good method of keyword optimization is to include your main keyword phrase several times throughout your blog entry. For example, if you’re writing about kitchen appliances, you could write each of the sections of your article about kitchen appliances and include a couple of times each in the title and the first sentence of the first paragraph. Then in the third sentence, you could include the keyword phrase a couple more times. Just be careful not to overdo it. You don’t want to have keyword overload.

The last technique that you can use to optimize your blog posts for SEO is to list your website’s URL in your blog posts. Most blog directories allow you to include your URL in your posts and there are a few that do require that you include the keyword phrase only. But in my experience, the benefits of including your website’s URL in your blog posts outweigh the benefits of using the search engine optimization words in your titles, in the tags and in the first sentence of your post. In fact, I’d say that providing your readers with a link to your website from each of your blog posts makes your blog even more attractive to them.

Read More:   Five Techniques To Optimize Your Blog Posts For SEO

There are other ways that you can use these SEO techniques to optimize your posts for SEO. One of the most popular ways is to use short keyword phrases throughout your article that are closely related to your topic but are not exactly keyworded. So for instance if you were writing about dog grooming, you could write one article around “dog grooming tips” but in the next article you could write “tips to keep your pooch looking his very best”.

Of course this works both ways. You need to make sure that your keywords don’t have too many keywords in them so that the search engines can see them as natural. You also need to keep your keywords and keyword phrases within a reasonable density. Using too many keywords can be a huge turn off to the search engines so it’s always best to keep your keyword density on the mild side and your keywords within a reasonable density.

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